Piotr Blue – The Art of Touch

What I do can be described as holistic body work, within which I apply many techniques such as massage, movement therapy, energy work, bodywork, and elements of psychosomatics.
My long-term practice with Lomi Lomi and tantric massage inspired me to create a Massage School, focused on the transformative qualities of touch. I began by teaching Lomi Lomi Nui, which resulted in the development of various training modules in this area. Then, based on my experiences, I started conducting training and tantric massage courses, which create conditions for self-discovery through new qualities of body work.
Piotr Blue
Tantric Massage Courses and Workshops
For those who intend to begin practicing tantric touch, we propose Tantric Massage Course “Awakening to Life”. A complement to the experience of tantric Touch Art is Kashmiri Massage Course, focused on working with intimacy, experiencing pleasure and bliss, and for those interested in further development, additional Tantric Massage Courses.
Tantric Massage Courses
Lomi Lomi Courses
As part of the Lomi Lomi training, we offer courses that will introduce you to the Polynesian Art of Touch from the basics, and as you progress, allow you to explore different perspectives on Lomi Lomi, passed down by various teachers.
Professional Lomi Lomi Massage Courses
Individual Massage Sessions
Oferuję tradycyjną i współczesną wersję masażu Lomi Lomi, pochodzącego z Hawajów, a także Holistyczny Masaż Tantryczny, które świetnie sprawdzają się w psychosomatycznej i coachingowej pracy z ciałem.
Jestem przekonany, że przyczyną wielu dolegliwości fizycznych, czy też chorób, jest pośpiech, chaos i obciążenie ilością zadań do wykonania w życiu codziennym, a świetnym dopełnieniem sesji psychoterapeutycznych może być praca zaczynająca się właśnie od ciała i masażu.
I invite you to Massage Sessions.
Podcasts that Touch the Soul and Body
Conversations about working with the body, emotions, and what moves us on a deep level. Whether it’s bodywork, massage, or participating in a course, the process that takes place within us is human and natural. Allowing change enables it to fully manifest in our lives.
The podcasts explore the themes of working with the body and soul. Authors: Anna Anastazja (psychologist, body therapist) and Piotr Blue (body therapist, massage therapist)