Trance Phenomena in Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Lomi massage, rooted in Hawaiian tradition, enjoys popularity among those seeking not just relaxation and tension relief, but also spiritual and emotional healing. It was once performed as a […]

Lomi Lomi massage, rooted in Hawaiian tradition, enjoys popularity among those seeking not just relaxation and tension relief, but also spiritual and emotional healing. It was once performed as a temple massage in Hawaii, aiding in transitions to the new. It prepared Hawaiian rulers and community leaders for significant changes and events. Many phenomena occur during this massage that are not discussed in standard Lomi Lomi massage courses.

One of the distinctive elements of this massage are so-called trance phenomena, experienced by both those receiving and those performing the massage. In this article, we will take a closer look at these phenomena and how they affect the quality of Lomi Lomi massage.

What are Trance Phenomena?

Trance phenomena are states where the massaged person’s mind undergoes deep relaxation, transitioning into a meditation-like state. During Lomi Lomi massage, these can be experienced to varying degrees and intensity. For many, these are among the most crucial elements of this type of massage.

Types of Trance Phenomena in Lomi Lomi Nui Massage.

Consciousness State Changes – the person receiving the massage may go through various states of consciousness, from heightened alertness to deep relaxation and sleep.

Emotional Experiences – during Lomi Lomi massage, one may experience intense emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, but also joy and happiness.

Inner Wisdom Discovery – the person receiving the massage may uncover inner wisdom and intuition, aiding in solving life and spiritual problems.

Increased Creativity – trance phenomena during Lomi Lomi massage can lead to enhanced creativity and the discovery of new ways of thinking and acting.

Exploring Deeper Personality Layers – during Lomi Lomi massage, the recipient may reach hidden internal layers of their personality, leading to a better understanding of themselves and their life.

What are the Benefits of Experiencing Trance Phenomena During Lomi Lomi Massage?

Experiencing trance phenomena during Lomi Lomi massage can bring many health and well-being benefits. Primarily, they contribute to reducing stress and tension levels, crucial for those with sedentary lifestyles or health issues like muscle pain or circulatory system problems.

Furthermore, trance phenomena allow for deep levels of relaxation and tension relief, aiding in accessing hidden psychic resources and facilitating the process of toxin removal from the body. The massage itself improves blood and lymph circulation, can also contribute to increased muscle flexibility and improved motor coordination.

Experiencing Trance Phenomena During Lomi Lomi Massage?

Experiencing trance phenomena during Lomi Lomi massage is an occurrence that may happen to some during a session. It typically involves a sense of relaxation and tension release, associated with deep immersion in the massage process.

To increase the chances of experiencing such phenomena, it is important to ensure proper conditions. Primarily, choosing an experienced and qualified masseur who can properly conduct the session is crucial. A properly conducted Lomi Lomi massage requires not just the right technical execution of movements but also the right approach to the client.

During the massage, it’s also important to create the right atmosphere in the room. Music can affect the depth and intensity of experiences, and the air temperature should be adjusted to the individual preferences of the person being massaged. Proper lighting and a comfortable position on a mat or bed are also important.

Lomi Lomi massage is a type of ceremony aimed at restoring balance and harmony in the body and mind. Experiencing trance phenomena is often seen as a side effect but can also be regarded as an additional positive effect of the massage process. However, it is important to remember that experiencing trance phenomena depends on the individual characteristics of the person being massaged, their inner consent and readiness for such work.

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